Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sitting Inside the Blue Room

I perform readings at a place called THE SPIRAL CIRCLE in Orlando in a room called 'The Blue Room.
I do this on Wed and Fridays from 3-6 pm.

The Blue Room is a sacred place where healing takes place and where the Universe helps to start the process of closing those wounds that have been buried deep in people's souls afraid to see the light of day.

 Before the readings begin; I pray, I meditate on who's to come into the room; I lay out my crystals, light candles, gently ring the sounding bowl and call in my Spirit Guides to assist me.

I also put out my pendulum which to me is very special. That's because the beautiful soul who use to own the Spiral Circle passed about a year and a half ago.
Her name was Beverly and she sold me the pendulum; only after she told me that you don't pick the pendulum. the pendulum picks you. And so the pendulum picked me.

So it is; coming full circle that her spirit is still alive inside the store and inside the Blue Room where I and others do readings.

The Blue Room chose me; Spirit chose me; the Universe chose me, God chose me.

The question is...who is calling you and what will your answer be?
Perhaps it's time to find your own Blue Room.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Simple Lesson of Jesus

We all know the story of Jesus whether we're Christian or not...born in a manger, parents were simple people and from all we know of Jesus for the first 30 or so years of his life, lived a simple life, part of the time as a carpenter.

We all hear, it's the simplest of pleasures that are the dearest and most satisfying in life.
Then why do we go out of our way to avoid these simple pleasures that we hold so dearly, close to our heart?

The noise is so deafening in todays world, that we cannot quiet ourselves long enough to just enjoy a few minutes of silence.

Lately, I feel I have grown apart from Jesus simply because I haven't taken the time to slow down and enjoy some of the simple things in life.

Things such as...silence...a child's laughter...holding a small one asleep in your arms...holding hands with the one you love...sunrise...sunset...a Christmas tree...snow...sand...trees...wind...a choir singing Christmas songs...good food...a good friend...family...stars...the moon.

A single candle burning...

All around us is the legacy of Jesus...isn't time we embrace his legacy?
No time like the present...peace.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Holiday special...a Gift Certifcate for a One Hour Psychic Medium / Clairvoyant Reading for only $60 US.

Time is running out as the 2017 holiday season is quickly nearing its' end and last minute shopping is the order of the day.

Don't know what to give? Give a gift certificate for a one hour reading (either in person or by phone) for only $60 US.

Simply go to, paypal.me/jerrymcdaniel and pay $60 for a unique gift that your friends and family will thank you over and over for.

Be sure and put it 'GIFT CERTIFICATE', who the gift certificate is for and where to send it to and we will take care of the rest.

Peace and God Bless all during this holiday season.

Friday, December 15, 2017

'CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP; Messages from the Universe' Kindle Edition now only $2.99.

That's right...My new book, CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP, Messages from the Universe is  only $2.99. (Kindle edition)
CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP has received special recognition as a Finalist in the BEST BOOKS OF 2017 NEW AGE NON-FICTION category!

Messages from the Universe that will in some way speak to you.
Hope, Courage, Discovery, Grace, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Silence...which path will speak to you?
Only one way to find out.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Pain of Losing Yourself

Recently I did a reading in which a grandfather came through. He was a gentle soul and a good hearted spiritual man who loved his family very much.

He was also a WWII veteran. He talked about the war and what he witnessed; felt, saw and experienced. He saw men do things to other men that goes against the natural grain of common decency...he saw death; and was in and around death to the point where he became numb to the daily grind of surviving.

But curiously he talked about the one thing he missed the most...music.
In war; he said, there was no music...just sounds, noises.  He basically lost himself in the agony and pain of war and conflict.

Music...the language that everyone understands at some point in their lives.
Music...the allows us to dream, go to places that we've never been.
Music...the opportunity that allows us to lose ourselves without experiencing pain.

Next time; you find yourself in the middle of serious conflict; lose yourself in the moment of music.
Rediscover that which makes us feel young again or brings back beautiful memories.

For, when we dive into music and lose ourselves...that's where the Universe will find us and heal us and enable us to go forth and carry on.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ten Things I tell Everyone Before a Reading- #10 - Let's Pray

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor
No.8- I See Information
No. 9- I'm Catholic

No.10- I'm Going to Start with a Prayer

I start every reading off with a prayer and end every reading with a prayer. Sometimes I say the prayer with the person in front of me (either in person or by phone) and sometimes I say it earlier in the day or in the evening before the reading actually begins.

The same with ending the prayer as well.

So; what's actually in the prayer? Well; here's a brief synopsis of my prayer before a reading
* I give thanks to God; Universe, Spirit, Jesus, Mary Blessed Mother, Buddha.

* I give thanks for all religions and our Spirit Guides and Spirit Helpers.

* I ask that God protects us during the reading from anything negative.

* I ask that if anyone who has passed wants to communicate to please step forward and use Spirit Guides as a way to deliver the messages.

* I ask that if there's anything that the Universe wants to show me, or tell me or have me experience, to connect my Higher Self to the Higher Self of the person sitting in front of me.

So; you see...the metaphysical gifts that we all have do come from a higher source.
It's all for the greater good. Peace.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 9- I'm Catholic

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor
No.8- I See Information

No.9- I'm Catholic..

I'm Catholic and have no problem telling people who sit in front of me that I am of the Catholic faith; but it doesn't mean the reading is going to be Catholic.

The readings that I give have nothing to do with any particular religion but everything to do with spirituality.

Psychic, mediumship and clairvoyance and other metaphysical gifts are from the most high and are for our highest good. Readings that I give and that others give are spiritual in nature.

A reading is not a cheap party trick; it is a spiritual encounter with God, the Universe and Spirit.
GUS for short.
It's not talking to demons; it's talking to beings of light about how to help people on their path confront the demons and the darkness in their lives and move forward.

Metaphysical gifts have nothing to do with any one religion.

Spirituality is not just about communication with anyone who has passed or sitting in a pew; it has everything to do with enlightenment from lessons learned from the Universe.  Don't take my work for it...just ask GUS.



Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 8- I See Information

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor

No.8 - I See Information
Symbols, images, pictures, words, phrases, people, spirit guides ,etc.
It's all information to me that God, Universe and Spirit send to me, via Spirit Guides; my Higher Self and other mystical pathways.

It's downloading from the Universe as much information as I can in the amount of time that Spirit gives me and then interpreting that information as far as Spirit wants me to go.

It's not a psychic reading; it's not a mediumship reading, it's not a clairvoyant reading...it's a reading and however many labels we want to put on it; it is what it is.
It's a metaphysical reading plain and simple.

There's no borders and boundaries in my readings because I don't control the flow of information other than it comes from the most high and with the protection of God. Some of what I see, hear, feel and experience is understandable and some of it is not...that's the mystery of the Universe.

Information is precious and what is even more precious is the impact it has on the person receiving the information; either now or later when the moment arises. Peace.


Friday, November 10, 2017


Yes...my first book, CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP; MESSAGES FROM THE UNIVERSE has received special recognition. 
  1. Finalist in the Annual Book Fest Awards.
  2. Award Finalist in the "New Age: Non-Fiction" category of the 2017 Best Book Awards" http://americanbookfest.com/nonfictionboo…/newagenonfic.html
GET YOUR COPY NOW FOR ONLY $12.95 AND SEE WHAT THE UNIVERSE HAS TO SAY TO YOU! Available online at amazon.com; barnes n noble.com and most online booksellers.

OR...ORDER DIRECTLY FROM MY WEBSITE www.jmacmedium.com and for only $20; receive a signed copy plus a special 'clairvoyant card' that includes a message from the Universe. This offer also includes shipping and handling. PEACE... 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- #7- It's An Honor

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers

No. 7- It's An Honor

It is an honor and a privilege to perform readings for people; most of whom I don't know and have never met as most of my readings are for people from all over the country.

There are thousands of psychic mediums, clairvoyants, folks who are intuitive, etc. in every corner of the world and the fact that people choose me to help them on their path in life or to connect to loved ones is simply inspiring and humbles me every time.

I never take it for granted when someone puts their trust in me to help them. 
I take my gifts very seriously and I have an obligation to give everyone my absolute best in connecting to the Universe.

Spirit has given me this gift and it is an honor and it will be always be treated as such.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- #6- I Don't Have All the Answers

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light A Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through

No. 6- I Don't Have All The Answers

Trust me...I wish I did have all the answers; but there are some questions and some images / pictures that I have no explanation for.  There are folks who come through that I do not know who they are or how they are connected.

I hear words and phrases and names that I cannot connect to anything in the reading.
And that's the beauty of the Universe...it's a mystery.
There are going to be things that come up during a reading that will make perfect sense and then again...there are things that come up during a reading that make no sense.

Those things that make no sense do have a purpose and will manifest itself later to the person receiving the reading for whatever reason that only the Universe knows.
A reading isn't the answer...it's a piece of the soul puzzle that Spirit is putting together for the person that is receiving the reading to put together at different stages in life.

The reading isn't like the readings that we see on TV, in which the medium nails everything in 15-20 minutes or less. What you don't see are the things that I mentioned above and that's okay; because no reading is perfect.

A reading is a reflection of life...some answers; some questions, some mysteries, some pain but always hope.



Monday, October 30, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- #5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes

No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through

When it comes to loved ones who have passed, it sometimes becomes a crap shoot as to who comes through. It's not my design nor is it my intention to have certain people come through in the beginning...it's simply who wants to come through and by the Universe's design who needs to come through.
    Some loved ones that come through have something to say to the person receiving the message and some loved ones come through to try and get the person receiving the reading to deliver a message to another loved one.
     Some loved ones come through to indicate that they are ok and some come through to indicate that they take responsibility for their demise.
It is what it is and it serves a purpose to the entire Universe.
Now...I always tell people that we can request someone to come through and more often than not, they come through. It's a solemn moment when a loved one comes through...they still love us and are near us...it's not a matter of control; it's a matter of love.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ten Things I tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 4- Take Notes

No.1- Don't Pre-Judge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change

No.4- Take Notes

Spirit doesn't always work in a box and doesn't always work in the timeframe that seems logical.
That's the issue...our timeframe is engulfed in logic and that logic doesn't align with the Universe..
The Universe moves at it's own pace and sometimes that pace is lighting fast and sometimes that pace is delayed.

I always inform the person ahead of the reading to either record the reading or take notes or both.
During a reading the Universe is giving that person a chance to actually write down bits and pieces of a conversation with the Divine.

When you're clairvoyant you get information that you download quickly and either its' information that it is to be used now or at some point in the future.
Information sometimes manifests itself later for reasons that only the Universe knows.

Notes later will present a multitude of 'ah-hah' moments that will make sense like pieces in a puzzle. The Universe wants that person to think a little about the information it is sharing and use that information for the current path or a path in the future.

Notes from a reading are like a roadmap that is meant to be looked over time and time again and like a roadmap, it will lead you to the right place.


Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No.3- Your Path May Change

No.1- Don't Pre-judge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle

No.3- Your Path May Change

A crucial part of the readings that I perform involves psychic activity or information of some sort.
So; to be honest, it probably comes as a bit of a shock when I tell the person receiving the reading that because of the free will that God so lovingly gives us; things may and probably will change.

From the world of Spirit, I give to people who come to me for a reading what they're meant to hear, see and feel based on the path they're currently on and sometimes that path, the people on it, the places and things on it, may very well change. Or more importantly, someone else's path may change and that will influence another person's path.

We're not meant to know everything that is going to happen to us...it's the mystery of life, the mystery of God; the mystery of Spirit and the mystery of the Universe.
I'm not a psychic per see, but I do possess strong psychic abilities and I use those abilities the best that I can to help people on their path.

We're meant to explore, discover and push for knowledge and enlightenment, and if we knew everything that was going to happen; we would cease to evolve and grow. Some think that it would be a huge pleasurable experience if we knew everything in advance...but we would not experience anything, other than merely existing. We have the ability to change our path.

And that's the beauty of having some information about the future; but not all. The future truly belongs to the Universe, and she isn't willing to give it up anytime soon.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading...No.2- Light a Candle

No.1- Don't Prejudge a Reading


Yesterday, I talked about not prejudging the reading...today; lighting a candle is something that is near and dear to my heart.

Most of the readings I do are by phone because most of my 'clients' are all across the nation and even the world. Lighting a candle is to me one of the connections to the Universe. They are beacons of light that indicates "I'm here.", and that's why I always inform the people before the reading to light a candle...it starts the connection.

I always light a candle on my end and the candles lit, are like two magical cans attached by a mystic string that no one can cut.
Light attracts light...and positive energy attracts positive energy. Lighting a candle pays homage to our ancestors who have gone on before us/

Candles are cleansing and serve an important purpose in spirituality and metaphysics...light a candle and start the conversation with the Universe; with God and with Spirit.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading...No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading

I tell everyone ten things before I start a psychic medium / clairvoyant reading.
So; each day for the next ten days I will share what I tell every person across from me during the first five minutes of each reading...so here we go...

First thing I ask someone is if they've ever had a reading before.
Because everyone is different and anyone with metaphysical gifts (which includes just about everyone) works differently in the way they receive information; process information; connect with Spirit, connect with Spirit guides; connect to their Higher Self; etc.

My goal and the Universe's goal is to get the other person to not pre-judge the reading and the best way to do that is to not compare readings.
Every reading is going to bring something different and that's the way the Universe wants it.

Embrace it; enjoy it and trust in the experience.


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Now on Amazon...CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP...Messages from the Universe.'

What does the Universe mean to you? Stars; planets; dark matter that is out there millions of miles away?
The Universe is a living; breathing entity that is absolutely in, around and through everything and everybody. It is God and Spirit all rolled into an absolute truth that continues to help us on our path in life.

It's part of my mission and direction from Spirit to present the Universe as something that is more to get acquainted with; more than just something to look ta through a telescope.

My first book CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP; Messages from the Universe attempts to show the Universe in slightly different light.
It's now available for ordering on Amazon for the low price of only $12.95. (minus shipping and handling)

Order now and then let us know what you think...when you purchase the book; relax before you start to read and then buckle up...the Mothership is looking for passengers to become participants.



Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Is the path you're on; yours?

Every time I give a reading; I tell the person or persons in front of me; that what they're about to hear from the Universe is what they're meant to hear at this time in their life based upon the path they're on.

So; what does that mean? it simply means that things can change and often do...we can choose to change our path and more importantly the people, places and things that are on our path can also change.

This is why GUS...God; Universe; Spirit will never tell someone during a reading what to do;  because it circumvents free will.
The question is this...is the path you're on yours? or someone else's?

Have you ever looked around and thought to yourself...how in the hell did I ever get here?
Obviously through a series of decisions; both good and not so good
The answer of course is; yes...the path you're on is yours...OWN IT.

If this isn't the path you want; then CHANGE IT...you have the power and the free will to change the path you're on. But only you can do it.

You're meant for bigger things than you're currently doing; so embrace the weeds, stones and trees in your path; and navigate yourself to greatness.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

In the quiet of the evening...

It's amazing how the world seems to come together in the quiet of the evening...all is at peace at least for the most part.

If there are terrors in the world; because of the darkness; it's hard to see them and sometimes only when the negativity of the world is exposed to light; only then is it visible.
The gifts from God that we all have are also at rest but at the same time; being re-charged to use for the coming day.

Gifts of prophecy have been known to be present during the restful times for that is when our filters of the world are down and we can comfortably see, listen, hear and perhaps learn.

The next time you go to sleep; what will be your final thoughts as you drift off?
Will you ask for guidance from the Divine on what your gifts are?
Will you ask for guidance on how to use those gifts?
Will you ask for guidance on perhaps speaking to a lost loved one?

Or better yet; will you just simply ask for a good nights rest and for protection from energies that are not on the positive side?

Whatever you ask for; just remember that the Universe hears you and will be right with you when you wake up to a new dawn.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Do our gifts from God point us to religion?

I've been told that it's part of my gifts of mediumship to proclaim and prove the continuity of life.
This is from a Spiritualist POV as the continuity of life is at the very center of the religion; along with the natural laws.
Small problem with that is I'm not a Spiritualist but I have spoken in their churches for a period of almost three years and certainly respect the POV's that they bring to the table.

I've also been told that those particular gifts along with psychic and clairvoyance abilities do not exactly align with most protestant religions and / or Catholicism. (and of course, I'm Catholic)

I've been to see Teresa Caputo and she uses a line that I love..."The Catholic Church doesn't exactly agree with what I do; but they've yet to return the big check that I write them every year."
Love it...mainly because she is Catholic.

So do these gifts align with any particular religion?
No...they do not because God doesn't put any borders or boundaries or conditions on our gifts other than to use them to help people on their path and to better their lives. God doesn't assign religions to our gifts; it's that simple.

Let's face it...virtually every religion talks about and preaches about life after 'death'. It's in every religion's DNA.

It's really not my mission to prove anything to any one religion or any one person other than there is something greater than us that is at work. There is a higher intelligence, (whom I freely call God) that is at work for us, in us and through us. My calling is to show people from all walks of life in every religion that you are not alone and that you have the wisdom of the Universe within you.

And that now is the time to fully live out your mission and purpose in life.
Choose your own path and let the gifts lead you to people and not a particular religion.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Is it ever worth the risk?

Risk...is it ever worth taking?
Doesn't it backfire more than often than not? Who knows...quite honestly...who cares?

There comes a time when you have to listen to the Universe; listen to God...listen to Spirit...listen to Jesus...listen to a higher source and take a chance.
Risk...is it ever worth taking? Let me see if I can answer that question.

I just retired from a long and tremendous career that paid me very well, to pursue what I feel is a calling from above and from within. To help people on their path in life through the metaphysical gifts that I have been given and to put some of my messages and writings into a book is pursuing the risk.

You heard me right...pursuing the risk. You see; others have to help you take a risk because we never take a risk alone. And sometimes we have to go after the risk instead of waiting for it to show up on our doorstep.

We need others to help us...such as on August 21st; when I launch my book
CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP, I need folks to purchase my book. Risk taking is a group effort, but it starts with the decision to take the risk first and then act upon it.

So; was the risk I took, worth it?  We will see on August 21st.
In the meantime; what risk will you be pursuing tomorrow?


Monday, July 17, 2017

Are random thoughts actually...random?

We all do it...we go through our day to day (at times), mundane routine(s) of life and then it happens.
A seemingly random thought enters our mind, if for a brief second or two, we stop and ponder the "what if'' scenario.
What if I did something else for a living?
What if I need to ask for forgiveness from someone?  
What if I'm not doing what I'm meant to do?

Or perhaps; not even a complete thought but fragments of what seems like a spark. 

These random thoughts come and go in our lives without us barely even noticing them.
A thought of someone or something that we haven't thought about in a long time; maybe never.
Numbers that do not seem to make sense; a song that we haven't heard in a long time.

What's going on? It's the Universe sending us thoughts, messages, songs, numbers, etc. And the Universe wants us to download the thousands of messages it's sending so we can better our lives; help others and realize our mission and purpose in life.

Numbers could indicate an anniversary; a song could indicate a hidden or not so hidden message.
A thought which would be something for us to think about and consider. It all ties together.

Spirit will never intercede with God's free will that He gave us. It's up to us to download or take notice of what is going on during the day and then act upon it.
Time to carry a notepad and pen so we can scribble down directions to the path that we have been seeking for so long.



Sunday, June 11, 2017

As long as there's a PULSE, there's a Heartbeat.

How does one move on from a personal tragedy?
During readings it is obvious that some folks just cannot move on and still are tied down and bound by the tragedies and setbacks in their lives.  That’s understandable for all of us. It’s tough to let go of the past and move on, but time and time again during readings the one thing that the Universe says repeatedly is keep moving, keep moving and most of all keep moving.

Don’t be planted so deep in the past so that you cannot grow in the future. I remember one a particular reading that I gave to a very sharp and impressive young lady. I could tell there was something troubling her and sure enough the Universe dug it out so she could address it. She was so sure that I was going to judge her and that God would never forgive her that it was to some extent holding her back. I told her that no one is going to judge her and that the Universe loves her unconditionally and wants her to move on with her life. The relief that she showed was amazing and it was obvious that the burden had been lifted. Her heartbeat to her path in life was thumping again.

How do we cope with tragedies and allow ourselves to move on?
Living in Orlando for the past 30+ years; I could have never imagined the horror that fell on June 12, 2016 at the Pulse nightclub. Orlando had never experienced anything like this as a gunman opened fire and killed 49 innocent people and injured another 53. Senseless tragedy and senseless loss of life to a group of people just dancing and having a good time. The Pulse was not just a gay nightclub as the media reported; it was a place where gay and straight came to have a good time and dance the night away. It was seen by many as a safe place to go and enjoy life.
A young lady in my neighborhood lost four of her closest friends in one night. Think about it, it sometimes takes a lifetime to lose four friends and she lost them in one night.

One of the most amazing things, among many, that I and others witnessed were the immediate long lines to donate blood...some 3 hours long. Blood; the very thing that we all need to survive and to keep our heart pumping and to keep our PULSE alive.

Blood for straight and gay alike; friends and strangers; Hispanic, or not; male or female; young or old...blood to give life and hope to the hopeless. This is how you move one from a tragedy.
This city united like never before...all around a common goal...the respect for life and for our fellow human beings. As I have said many times (thanks to Marilyn Awtry for this line)...’we are Spirit with a body, not the other way around”. If we believe that; then the body almost becomes irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. We are Spirit; plain and simple.

CONTINUE TO NAVIGATE YOUR LIFE- Being gay or straight or lesbian or whatever labels society puts on us all, seems less and less important when people rally around a common cause.
What does seem important is what the Universe tells us every day that love is the answer.
Jesus tells us; "to love your neighbor as yourself’ so it's high time we start.

CREATE SPACE FOR REFLECTION- Take a moment to remember those who lost their lives to either senseless brutality or tragedy. Carry their hope and dreams within our hearts; the very same organ that gives us our PULSE.

MOVE FORWARD- It’s time to unshackle those chains that have bound you with whatever tragedies have befallen you and move on with your life. As the forty nine victims from the PULSE massacre will tell you; life is too short to waste.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Do you participate in the War Between the Labels?

How many times do you hear this? "you need to pick a side."
So; we go about picking a side...sometimes whether or not we even want to.
And how do we decide which side to pick?
Easy...it's the side that we identify with...the side that agrees with us.
And how do we know if they agree with us?
again...that's easy...just look at their label.

We live in a dualistic world where we make a choice from only two options.
And most of the time, depending upon the label, we choose people who are...

We see it in religion, economics, politics, everything.
We live in a dualistic world and have been for centuries. This means we choose one option between only two choices.

When it comes to God's gifts that he gives us; we also fall into certain categories whether we like it or not.
It seems at times, that this is so people can decide if our gifts are worthy or not...or even if our gifts measure up to their expectations.
Which is ridiculous.

The gifts of psychic, mediumship and clairvoyance which I possess are no better or worse than anyone else's gifts.

So; do we wage war against non-existing enemies? Wars are fought because of a difference or belief/ non-belief in ideologies...and those ideologies are totally dependent on labels.

On the other side of the veil, labels mean absolutely nothing...nothing.
Time to look at people strictly based on energy, light, vibrations and love.

So; put away the artillery; there's no one charging.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

People that Matter Don't Mind

Let's face it; we all judge. Ourselves, other people, other places, other things, relatives, our significant others, our children, co-workers, etc. The list is endless.

The most amazing thing is that we judge what we don't understand.
If it doesn't fit into what we have defined as our world and explainable, we dismiss it and sometimes even go on the attack.
What we don't understand we fear.
What we fear, we judge.
What we judge, we separate ourselves from it.
And the greatest 'sin' is that we don't take any time to learn what it is that we judge.

Recently, my gifts of psychic mediumship and clairvoyant were rejected by people in my religion and I was informed that I could not serve on a team in a movement that I had been involved in for 30 years...this was after I had been asked to serve on the team and accepted.
I have been actively involved in this movement, serving on the board for seven years, serving on almost 20 teams, mentoring, you name it, I've been involved in it. I loved this movement.
Still...that didn't matter.

Don't get me wrong...I get it...I understand. As one of my best friends told me, it's not the why; it was the how. What he was referring to was the fact that no one called me; emailed me or contacted me in any way to ask me about my gifts. And I know half of the current board very well. I had considered some of them very good friends.

They're good people; well intentioned people and faithful people but they were afraid or just ignorant of the gifts of mediumship; psychic and clairvoyant. They went on what I call, a well intentioned witch hunt. After an awkward face to face meeting in which I agreed for them to dismiss me from the team, for as they put it, "the good of the movement", I drove home and started to do some soul searching as to what had transpired.

It made me more aware to be on guard and not judge what I don't understand. (or even understand for that matter). This experience, wrong as it was, has made me more aware of the risk of stepping out for what you believe in; what your true convictions are and what your belief system happens to be.
I remain more convinced than ever that in the end it is worth it and people benefit  from these gifts.

As Dr. Seuss once said; "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".
I'm trying very hard to be in the latter category of not minding or not judging things I don't understand.
So...which category are you in?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The story of the girl in the cubicle

She worked in our finance department for 1-2 years. I probably passed her cubicle numerous times…never stopping to say hello or start up a conversation. To the best of my recollection I never met her or if I did it wasn't memorable.

How many times do we do that? Pass someone without even taking the time to get to know them? I know...there's always tomorrow, right? The Universe never passes anyone by, but boy do we. Think about it; every day that we spend on this earth plane will never repeat itself and the people we come in contact with, the overwhelming majority of them we will never, ever see again. Onto to the title of this chapter and hopefully, the lesson we will all learn.

The person that I'm referring to who worked in a cubicle, is Stephanie and unfortunately there will not be a tomorrow for me to get to know her.

Stephanie and her husband Justin were killed in the Brussel airport terrorist attack on March 22, 2016. From what I know, they were waving goodbye to a relative who had passed through security and in the blink of an eye and a flash of light; they were gone.

It is amazing that all of the comments from her co-workers that were coming in spoke to Stephanie’s character. They never referred to her work. They never referred to what a great job she did or how her projects always finished on time, etc.

Instead they talk about her smile...her energy...her spirit. That's her, (and Justin's) legacy.

Her spirit…her soul…that’s what lives on, not the shell of a body that she occupied but her pure essence lives in those who knew her best.

When a person dies or passes on or transitions or crosses over their soul lives on. The soul, the spirit and the light and the energy never dies. Your soul is oxygen for the universe.

So; what did we do? We mourned...we grieved...we moved on, because that's what we do in order to carry on our legacies, our energy and our light and spirit.

We light a candle for those that we miss and for those that have lost their way and need to see the light. Tonight, light a candle for Stephanie and Justin...for light attracts light. For those who are victims of terrorism worldwide and for the Belgian people, also remember to say a prayer when you light the candle.

Stephanie and Justin's spirit will be felt by those who were close to them. Their lives will live on in the work that we all do on a daily basis. The Universe isn’t focused on work / work but our work for humanity.

Tomorrow...perhaps we can make it a goal to stop by that person in the cubicle that we've never gotten to know and say hi and start a conversation.

Who knows when you will see them again?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Contemplative Approach to Spiritual Metaphysics.

First...thanks to the more than 30,000 people who have viewed this blog. I cannot thank you enough.

Second...thanks to the 45 countries that have, as I put it, come aboard the Mothership.

And third...coming soon, my first book, based upon my blogs, psychic medium / clairvoyant readings and messages with expanded thoughts and commentary called...you guessed it.
CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP....Messages from the Universe

The Universe called me to write this book and present it as a  contemplative approach to spiritual metaphysics.
So; here's some questions that will be explored in this book...

What exactly is intuition?
What can we learn about ourselves from sitting in the dark?
What questions keep you up at night?
When people take their own life; do they leave a legacy of lessons behind?
Is karma the same as revenge?
What gifts do you have and are they a blessing or a curse?
What signs does the Universe show you everyday that will help you on your path?

Two major events are coming on August 21st.
The first solar eclipse in decades is coming...AND...
A contemplative approach to spiritual metaphysics will also be coming...in the form of this book.

More details to come...stay tuned. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Champions and Resources

I was sitting in an airport the other day heading home from a business trip and I overheard a gentleman talking on the phone to one of his co-workers.

It was obvious that he was involved in government work or government grants of some type and he was pitching an idea and remarked that for the idea to work he needed champions and resources.

I thought it was a very astute way of putting it because for his idea to take hold and grow; he needed  people to believe in the idea and then others to get behind the idea in terms of time, talents, monies, etc.

In life we all need champions and resources in order for our purpose and mission in life to succeed.
When I first discovered my gifts of psychic mediumship and clairvoyance; I needed people to believe that these gifts were real and I was serious about them.

Some people thought I was off my rocker and others thought I was a fortune teller of some sort.
And who can blame them? These people had known me 10,15 and even 20 years and I had never displayed any of these gifts and all of a sudden in my fifties, I was performing readings and giving messages to anyone who would listen or better yet; anyone that Spirit put me in front of.

But I had people who believed in me and in my gifts enough to help me develop them and I had people who allowed me the privilege of giving messages and readings to them in order for me to not only develop my gifts but help them at the same time.

Who champions you?
Who supports you and gives you enough resources for you to fulfill your mission or develop the gifts that God has given you?
Now let's look at it another way...who in your life, needs you to champion them?
Who in your life needs you to provide them with resources to help them on their path?

Somewhere there is someone you know who needs you. They are all alone and need someone (you) to help guide them on their path. They have lost their way and need someone to shine the light so that they can see.

This is your moment...time to sing 'we are the champions' for you indeed are called to be one.
On your mark...get set...