Monday, October 23, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading...No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading

I tell everyone ten things before I start a psychic medium / clairvoyant reading.
So; each day for the next ten days I will share what I tell every person across from me during the first five minutes of each here we go...

First thing I ask someone is if they've ever had a reading before.
Because everyone is different and anyone with metaphysical gifts (which includes just about everyone) works differently in the way they receive information; process information; connect with Spirit, connect with Spirit guides; connect to their Higher Self; etc.

My goal and the Universe's goal is to get the other person to not pre-judge the reading and the best way to do that is to not compare readings.
Every reading is going to bring something different and that's the way the Universe wants it.

Embrace it; enjoy it and trust in the experience.


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