Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading...No.2- Light a Candle

No.1- Don't Prejudge a Reading


Yesterday, I talked about not prejudging the reading...today; lighting a candle is something that is near and dear to my heart.

Most of the readings I do are by phone because most of my 'clients' are all across the nation and even the world. Lighting a candle is to me one of the connections to the Universe. They are beacons of light that indicates "I'm here.", and that's why I always inform the people before the reading to light a candle...it starts the connection.

I always light a candle on my end and the candles lit, are like two magical cans attached by a mystic string that no one can cut.
Light attracts light...and positive energy attracts positive energy. Lighting a candle pays homage to our ancestors who have gone on before us/

Candles are cleansing and serve an important purpose in spirituality and metaphysics...light a candle and start the conversation with the Universe; with God and with Spirit.

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