Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No.3- Your Path May Change

No.1- Don't Pre-judge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle

No.3- Your Path May Change

A crucial part of the readings that I perform involves psychic activity or information of some sort.
So; to be honest, it probably comes as a bit of a shock when I tell the person receiving the reading that because of the free will that God so lovingly gives us; things may and probably will change.

From the world of Spirit, I give to people who come to me for a reading what they're meant to hear, see and feel based on the path they're currently on and sometimes that path, the people on it, the places and things on it, may very well change. Or more importantly, someone else's path may change and that will influence another person's path.

We're not meant to know everything that is going to happen to's the mystery of life, the mystery of God; the mystery of Spirit and the mystery of the Universe.
I'm not a psychic per see, but I do possess strong psychic abilities and I use those abilities the best that I can to help people on their path.

We're meant to explore, discover and push for knowledge and enlightenment, and if we knew everything that was going to happen; we would cease to evolve and grow. Some think that it would be a huge pleasurable experience if we knew everything in advance...but we would not experience anything, other than merely existing. We have the ability to change our path.

And that's the beauty of having some information about the future; but not all. The future truly belongs to the Universe, and she isn't willing to give it up anytime soon.


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