Monday, October 30, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- #5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes

No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through

When it comes to loved ones who have passed, it sometimes becomes a crap shoot as to who comes through. It's not my design nor is it my intention to have certain people come through in the's simply who wants to come through and by the Universe's design who needs to come through.
    Some loved ones that come through have something to say to the person receiving the message and some loved ones come through to try and get the person receiving the reading to deliver a message to another loved one.
     Some loved ones come through to indicate that they are ok and some come through to indicate that they take responsibility for their demise.
It is what it is and it serves a purpose to the entire Universe.
Now...I always tell people that we can request someone to come through and more often than not, they come through. It's a solemn moment when a loved one comes through...they still love us and are near's not a matter of control; it's a matter of love.


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