Saturday, September 23, 2017

Now on Amazon...CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP...Messages from the Universe.'

What does the Universe mean to you? Stars; planets; dark matter that is out there millions of miles away?
The Universe is a living; breathing entity that is absolutely in, around and through everything and everybody. It is God and Spirit all rolled into an absolute truth that continues to help us on our path in life.

It's part of my mission and direction from Spirit to present the Universe as something that is more to get acquainted with; more than just something to look ta through a telescope.

My first book CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP; Messages from the Universe attempts to show the Universe in slightly different light.
It's now available for ordering on Amazon for the low price of only $12.95. (minus shipping and handling)

Order now and then let us know what you think...when you purchase the book; relax before you start to read and then buckle up...the Mothership is looking for passengers to become participants.



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