Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Is the path you're on; yours?

Every time I give a reading; I tell the person or persons in front of me; that what they're about to hear from the Universe is what they're meant to hear at this time in their life based upon the path they're on.

So; what does that mean? it simply means that things can change and often do...we can choose to change our path and more importantly the people, places and things that are on our path can also change.

This is why GUS...God; Universe; Spirit will never tell someone during a reading what to do;  because it circumvents free will.
The question is this...is the path you're on yours? or someone else's?

Have you ever looked around and thought to yourself...how in the hell did I ever get here?
Obviously through a series of decisions; both good and not so good
The answer of course is; yes...the path you're on is yours...OWN IT.

If this isn't the path you want; then CHANGE IT...you have the power and the free will to change the path you're on. But only you can do it.

You're meant for bigger things than you're currently doing; so embrace the weeds, stones and trees in your path; and navigate yourself to greatness.


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