Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Is it ever worth the risk?

Risk...is it ever worth taking?
Doesn't it backfire more than often than not? Who knows...quite honestly...who cares?

There comes a time when you have to listen to the Universe; listen to God...listen to Spirit...listen to Jesus...listen to a higher source and take a chance.
Risk...is it ever worth taking? Let me see if I can answer that question.

I just retired from a long and tremendous career that paid me very well, to pursue what I feel is a calling from above and from within. To help people on their path in life through the metaphysical gifts that I have been given and to put some of my messages and writings into a book is pursuing the risk.

You heard me right...pursuing the risk. You see; others have to help you take a risk because we never take a risk alone. And sometimes we have to go after the risk instead of waiting for it to show up on our doorstep.

We need others to help us...such as on August 21st; when I launch my book
CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP, I need folks to purchase my book. Risk taking is a group effort, but it starts with the decision to take the risk first and then act upon it.

So; was the risk I took, worth it?  We will see on August 21st.
In the meantime; what risk will you be pursuing tomorrow?


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