Friday, August 11, 2017

Do our gifts from God point us to religion?

I've been told that it's part of my gifts of mediumship to proclaim and prove the continuity of life.
This is from a Spiritualist POV as the continuity of life is at the very center of the religion; along with the natural laws.
Small problem with that is I'm not a Spiritualist but I have spoken in their churches for a period of almost three years and certainly respect the POV's that they bring to the table.

I've also been told that those particular gifts along with psychic and clairvoyance abilities do not exactly align with most protestant religions and / or Catholicism. (and of course, I'm Catholic)

I've been to see Teresa Caputo and she uses a line that I love..."The Catholic Church doesn't exactly agree with what I do; but they've yet to return the big check that I write them every year."
Love it...mainly because she is Catholic.

So do these gifts align with any particular religion?
No...they do not because God doesn't put any borders or boundaries or conditions on our gifts other than to use them to help people on their path and to better their lives. God doesn't assign religions to our gifts; it's that simple.

Let's face it...virtually every religion talks about and preaches about life after 'death'. It's in every religion's DNA.

It's really not my mission to prove anything to any one religion or any one person other than there is something greater than us that is at work. There is a higher intelligence, (whom I freely call God) that is at work for us, in us and through us. My calling is to show people from all walks of life in every religion that you are not alone and that you have the wisdom of the Universe within you.

And that now is the time to fully live out your mission and purpose in life.
Choose your own path and let the gifts lead you to people and not a particular religion.

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