Monday, February 27, 2017

Champions and Resources

I was sitting in an airport the other day heading home from a business trip and I overheard a gentleman talking on the phone to one of his co-workers.

It was obvious that he was involved in government work or government grants of some type and he was pitching an idea and remarked that for the idea to work he needed champions and resources.

I thought it was a very astute way of putting it because for his idea to take hold and grow; he needed  people to believe in the idea and then others to get behind the idea in terms of time, talents, monies, etc.

In life we all need champions and resources in order for our purpose and mission in life to succeed.
When I first discovered my gifts of psychic mediumship and clairvoyance; I needed people to believe that these gifts were real and I was serious about them.

Some people thought I was off my rocker and others thought I was a fortune teller of some sort.
And who can blame them? These people had known me 10,15 and even 20 years and I had never displayed any of these gifts and all of a sudden in my fifties, I was performing readings and giving messages to anyone who would listen or better yet; anyone that Spirit put me in front of.

But I had people who believed in me and in my gifts enough to help me develop them and I had people who allowed me the privilege of giving messages and readings to them in order for me to not only develop my gifts but help them at the same time.

Who champions you?
Who supports you and gives you enough resources for you to fulfill your mission or develop the gifts that God has given you?
Now let's look at it another way...who in your life, needs you to champion them?
Who in your life needs you to provide them with resources to help them on their path?

Somewhere there is someone you know who needs you. They are all alone and need someone (you) to help guide them on their path. They have lost their way and need someone to shine the light so that they can see.

This is your moment...time to sing 'we are the champions' for you indeed are called to be one.
On your mark...get set...

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