Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Contemplative Approach to Spiritual Metaphysics.

First...thanks to the more than 30,000 people who have viewed this blog. I cannot thank you enough.

Second...thanks to the 45 countries that have, as I put it, come aboard the Mothership.

And third...coming soon, my first book, based upon my blogs, psychic medium / clairvoyant readings and messages with expanded thoughts and commentary guessed it.
CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP....Messages from the Universe

The Universe called me to write this book and present it as a  contemplative approach to spiritual metaphysics.
So; here's some questions that will be explored in this book...

What exactly is intuition?
What can we learn about ourselves from sitting in the dark?
What questions keep you up at night?
When people take their own life; do they leave a legacy of lessons behind?
Is karma the same as revenge?
What gifts do you have and are they a blessing or a curse?
What signs does the Universe show you everyday that will help you on your path?

Two major events are coming on August 21st.
The first solar eclipse in decades is coming...AND...
A contemplative approach to spiritual metaphysics will also be the form of this book.

More details to come...stay tuned. 

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