Thursday, March 23, 2017

The story of the girl in the cubicle

She worked in our finance department for 1-2 years. I probably passed her cubicle numerous times…never stopping to say hello or start up a conversation. To the best of my recollection I never met her or if I did it wasn't memorable.

How many times do we do that? Pass someone without even taking the time to get to know them? I know...there's always tomorrow, right? The Universe never passes anyone by, but boy do we. Think about it; every day that we spend on this earth plane will never repeat itself and the people we come in contact with, the overwhelming majority of them we will never, ever see again. Onto to the title of this chapter and hopefully, the lesson we will all learn.

The person that I'm referring to who worked in a cubicle, is Stephanie and unfortunately there will not be a tomorrow for me to get to know her.

Stephanie and her husband Justin were killed in the Brussel airport terrorist attack on March 22, 2016. From what I know, they were waving goodbye to a relative who had passed through security and in the blink of an eye and a flash of light; they were gone.

It is amazing that all of the comments from her co-workers that were coming in spoke to Stephanie’s character. They never referred to her work. They never referred to what a great job she did or how her projects always finished on time, etc.

Instead they talk about her smile...her energy...her spirit. That's her, (and Justin's) legacy.

Her spirit…her soul…that’s what lives on, not the shell of a body that she occupied but her pure essence lives in those who knew her best.

When a person dies or passes on or transitions or crosses over their soul lives on. The soul, the spirit and the light and the energy never dies. Your soul is oxygen for the universe.

So; what did we do? We mourned...we grieved...we moved on, because that's what we do in order to carry on our legacies, our energy and our light and spirit.

We light a candle for those that we miss and for those that have lost their way and need to see the light. Tonight, light a candle for Stephanie and Justin...for light attracts light. For those who are victims of terrorism worldwide and for the Belgian people, also remember to say a prayer when you light the candle.

Stephanie and Justin's spirit will be felt by those who were close to them. Their lives will live on in the work that we all do on a daily basis. The Universe isn’t focused on work / work but our work for humanity.

Tomorrow...perhaps we can make it a goal to stop by that person in the cubicle that we've never gotten to know and say hi and start a conversation.

Who knows when you will see them again?

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