Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 8- I See Information

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor

No.8 - I See Information
Symbols, images, pictures, words, phrases, people, spirit guides ,etc.
It's all information to me that God, Universe and Spirit send to me, via Spirit Guides; my Higher Self and other mystical pathways.

It's downloading from the Universe as much information as I can in the amount of time that Spirit gives me and then interpreting that information as far as Spirit wants me to go.

It's not a psychic reading; it's not a mediumship reading, it's not a clairvoyant reading...it's a reading and however many labels we want to put on it; it is what it is.
It's a metaphysical reading plain and simple.

There's no borders and boundaries in my readings because I don't control the flow of information other than it comes from the most high and with the protection of God. Some of what I see, hear, feel and experience is understandable and some of it is not...that's the mystery of the Universe.

Information is precious and what is even more precious is the impact it has on the person receiving the information; either now or later when the moment arises. Peace.


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