Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ten Things I tell Everyone Before a Reading- #10 - Let's Pray

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor
No.8- I See Information
No. 9- I'm Catholic

No.10- I'm Going to Start with a Prayer

I start every reading off with a prayer and end every reading with a prayer. Sometimes I say the prayer with the person in front of me (either in person or by phone) and sometimes I say it earlier in the day or in the evening before the reading actually begins.

The same with ending the prayer as well.

So; what's actually in the prayer? Well; here's a brief synopsis of my prayer before a reading
* I give thanks to God; Universe, Spirit, Jesus, Mary Blessed Mother, Buddha.

* I give thanks for all religions and our Spirit Guides and Spirit Helpers.

* I ask that God protects us during the reading from anything negative.

* I ask that if anyone who has passed wants to communicate to please step forward and use Spirit Guides as a way to deliver the messages.

* I ask that if there's anything that the Universe wants to show me, or tell me or have me experience, to connect my Higher Self to the Higher Self of the person sitting in front of me.

So; you see...the metaphysical gifts that we all have do come from a higher source.
It's all for the greater good. Peace.


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