Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Pain of Losing Yourself

Recently I did a reading in which a grandfather came through. He was a gentle soul and a good hearted spiritual man who loved his family very much.

He was also a WWII veteran. He talked about the war and what he witnessed; felt, saw and experienced. He saw men do things to other men that goes against the natural grain of common decency...he saw death; and was in and around death to the point where he became numb to the daily grind of surviving.

But curiously he talked about the one thing he missed the
In war; he said, there was no music...just sounds, noises.  He basically lost himself in the agony and pain of war and conflict.

Music...the language that everyone understands at some point in their lives.
Music...the allows us to dream, go to places that we've never been.
Music...the opportunity that allows us to lose ourselves without experiencing pain.

Next time; you find yourself in the middle of serious conflict; lose yourself in the moment of music.
Rediscover that which makes us feel young again or brings back beautiful memories.

For, when we dive into music and lose ourselves...that's where the Universe will find us and heal us and enable us to go forth and carry on.


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