Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Simple Lesson of Jesus

We all know the story of Jesus whether we're Christian or not...born in a manger, parents were simple people and from all we know of Jesus for the first 30 or so years of his life, lived a simple life, part of the time as a carpenter.

We all hear, it's the simplest of pleasures that are the dearest and most satisfying in life.
Then why do we go out of our way to avoid these simple pleasures that we hold so dearly, close to our heart?

The noise is so deafening in todays world, that we cannot quiet ourselves long enough to just enjoy a few minutes of silence.

Lately, I feel I have grown apart from Jesus simply because I haven't taken the time to slow down and enjoy some of the simple things in life.

Things such as...silence...a child's laughter...holding a small one asleep in your arms...holding hands with the one you love...sunrise...sunset...a Christmas tree...snow...sand...trees...wind...a choir singing Christmas songs...good food...a good moon.

A single candle burning...

All around us is the legacy of Jesus...isn't time we embrace his legacy?
No time like the present...peace.


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