Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 9- I'm Catholic

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor
No.8- I See Information

No.9- I'm Catholic..

I'm Catholic and have no problem telling people who sit in front of me that I am of the Catholic faith; but it doesn't mean the reading is going to be Catholic.

The readings that I give have nothing to do with any particular religion but everything to do with spirituality.

Psychic, mediumship and clairvoyance and other metaphysical gifts are from the most high and are for our highest good. Readings that I give and that others give are spiritual in nature.

A reading is not a cheap party trick; it is a spiritual encounter with God, the Universe and Spirit.
GUS for short.
It's not talking to demons; it's talking to beings of light about how to help people on their path confront the demons and the darkness in their lives and move forward.

Metaphysical gifts have nothing to do with any one religion.

Spirituality is not just about communication with anyone who has passed or sitting in a pew; it has everything to do with enlightenment from lessons learned from the Universe.  Don't take my work for it...just ask GUS.



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