Saturday, June 10, 2017

Do you participate in the War Between the Labels?

How many times do you hear this? "you need to pick a side."
So; we go about picking a side...sometimes whether or not we even want to.
And how do we decide which side to pick?'s the side that we identify with...the side that agrees with us.
And how do we know if they agree with us?
again...that's easy...just look at their label.

We live in a dualistic world where we make a choice from only two options.
And most of the time, depending upon the label, we choose people who are...

We see it in religion, economics, politics, everything.
We live in a dualistic world and have been for centuries. This means we choose one option between only two choices.

When it comes to God's gifts that he gives us; we also fall into certain categories whether we like it or not.
It seems at times, that this is so people can decide if our gifts are worthy or not...or even if our gifts measure up to their expectations.
Which is ridiculous.

The gifts of psychic, mediumship and clairvoyance which I possess are no better or worse than anyone else's gifts.

So; do we wage war against non-existing enemies? Wars are fought because of a difference or belief/ non-belief in ideologies...and those ideologies are totally dependent on labels.

On the other side of the veil, labels mean absolutely nothing...nothing.
Time to look at people strictly based on energy, light, vibrations and love.

So; put away the artillery; there's no one charging.

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