Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ten Things I tell Everyone Before a Reading- #10 - Let's Pray

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor
No.8- I See Information
No. 9- I'm Catholic

No.10- I'm Going to Start with a Prayer

I start every reading off with a prayer and end every reading with a prayer. Sometimes I say the prayer with the person in front of me (either in person or by phone) and sometimes I say it earlier in the day or in the evening before the reading actually begins.

The same with ending the prayer as well.

So; what's actually in the prayer? Well; here's a brief synopsis of my prayer before a reading
* I give thanks to God; Universe, Spirit, Jesus, Mary Blessed Mother, Buddha.

* I give thanks for all religions and our Spirit Guides and Spirit Helpers.

* I ask that God protects us during the reading from anything negative.

* I ask that if anyone who has passed wants to communicate to please step forward and use Spirit Guides as a way to deliver the messages.

* I ask that if there's anything that the Universe wants to show me, or tell me or have me experience, to connect my Higher Self to the Higher Self of the person sitting in front of me.

So; you see...the metaphysical gifts that we all have do come from a higher source.
It's all for the greater good. Peace.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 9- I'm Catholic

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor
No.8- I See Information

No.9- I'm Catholic..

I'm Catholic and have no problem telling people who sit in front of me that I am of the Catholic faith; but it doesn't mean the reading is going to be Catholic.

The readings that I give have nothing to do with any particular religion but everything to do with spirituality.

Psychic, mediumship and clairvoyance and other metaphysical gifts are from the most high and are for our highest good. Readings that I give and that others give are spiritual in nature.

A reading is not a cheap party trick; it is a spiritual encounter with God, the Universe and Spirit.
GUS for short.
It's not talking to demons; it's talking to beings of light about how to help people on their path confront the demons and the darkness in their lives and move forward.

Metaphysical gifts have nothing to do with any one religion.

Spirituality is not just about communication with anyone who has passed or sitting in a pew; it has everything to do with enlightenment from lessons learned from the Universe.  Don't take my work for it...just ask GUS.



Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- No. 8- I See Information

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers
No.7- It's An Honor

No.8 - I See Information
Symbols, images, pictures, words, phrases, people, spirit guides ,etc.
It's all information to me that God, Universe and Spirit send to me, via Spirit Guides; my Higher Self and other mystical pathways.

It's downloading from the Universe as much information as I can in the amount of time that Spirit gives me and then interpreting that information as far as Spirit wants me to go.

It's not a psychic reading; it's not a mediumship reading, it's not a clairvoyant's a reading and however many labels we want to put on it; it is what it is.
It's a metaphysical reading plain and simple.

There's no borders and boundaries in my readings because I don't control the flow of information other than it comes from the most high and with the protection of God. Some of what I see, hear, feel and experience is understandable and some of it is not...that's the mystery of the Universe.

Information is precious and what is even more precious is the impact it has on the person receiving the information; either now or later when the moment arises. Peace.


Friday, November 10, 2017

CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP BOOK; receives recognition! first book, CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP; MESSAGES FROM THE UNIVERSE has received special recognition. 
  1. Finalist in the Annual Book Fest Awards.
  2. Award Finalist in the "New Age: Non-Fiction" category of the 2017 Best Book Awards"…/newagenonfic.html
GET YOUR COPY NOW FOR ONLY $12.95 AND SEE WHAT THE UNIVERSE HAS TO SAY TO YOU! Available online at; barnes n and most online booksellers.

OR...ORDER DIRECTLY FROM MY WEBSITE and for only $20; receive a signed copy plus a special 'clairvoyant card' that includes a message from the Universe. This offer also includes shipping and handling. PEACE... 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- #7- It's An Honor

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light a Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through
No.6- I Don't Have All the Answers

No. 7- It's An Honor

It is an honor and a privilege to perform readings for people; most of whom I don't know and have never met as most of my readings are for people from all over the country.

There are thousands of psychic mediums, clairvoyants, folks who are intuitive, etc. in every corner of the world and the fact that people choose me to help them on their path in life or to connect to loved ones is simply inspiring and humbles me every time.

I never take it for granted when someone puts their trust in me to help them. 
I take my gifts very seriously and I have an obligation to give everyone my absolute best in connecting to the Universe.

Spirit has given me this gift and it is an honor and it will be always be treated as such.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Ten Things I Tell Everyone Before a Reading- #6- I Don't Have All the Answers

No.1- Don't Prejudge the Reading
No.2- Light A Candle
No.3- Your Path May Change
No.4- Take Notes
No.5- I Don't Control Who Comes Through

No. 6- I Don't Have All The Answers

Trust me...I wish I did have all the answers; but there are some questions and some images / pictures that I have no explanation for.  There are folks who come through that I do not know who they are or how they are connected.

I hear words and phrases and names that I cannot connect to anything in the reading.
And that's the beauty of the's a mystery.
There are going to be things that come up during a reading that will make perfect sense and then again...there are things that come up during a reading that make no sense.

Those things that make no sense do have a purpose and will manifest itself later to the person receiving the reading for whatever reason that only the Universe knows.
A reading isn't the's a piece of the soul puzzle that Spirit is putting together for the person that is receiving the reading to put together at different stages in life.

The reading isn't like the readings that we see on TV, in which the medium nails everything in 15-20 minutes or less. What you don't see are the things that I mentioned above and that's okay; because no reading is perfect.

A reading is a reflection of life...some answers; some questions, some mysteries, some pain but always hope.