Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Is the path you're on; yours?

Every time I give a reading; I tell the person or persons in front of me; that what they're about to hear from the Universe is what they're meant to hear at this time in their life based upon the path they're on.

So; what does that mean? it simply means that things can change and often do...we can choose to change our path and more importantly the people, places and things that are on our path can also change.

This is why GUS...God; Universe; Spirit will never tell someone during a reading what to do;  because it circumvents free will.
The question is this...is the path you're on yours? or someone else's?

Have you ever looked around and thought to yourself...how in the hell did I ever get here?
Obviously through a series of decisions; both good and not so good
The answer of course is; yes...the path you're on is yours...OWN IT.

If this isn't the path you want; then CHANGE IT...you have the power and the free will to change the path you're on. But only you can do it.

You're meant for bigger things than you're currently doing; so embrace the weeds, stones and trees in your path; and navigate yourself to greatness.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

In the quiet of the evening...

It's amazing how the world seems to come together in the quiet of the evening...all is at peace at least for the most part.

If there are terrors in the world; because of the darkness; it's hard to see them and sometimes only when the negativity of the world is exposed to light; only then is it visible.
The gifts from God that we all have are also at rest but at the same time; being re-charged to use for the coming day.

Gifts of prophecy have been known to be present during the restful times for that is when our filters of the world are down and we can comfortably see, listen, hear and perhaps learn.

The next time you go to sleep; what will be your final thoughts as you drift off?
Will you ask for guidance from the Divine on what your gifts are?
Will you ask for guidance on how to use those gifts?
Will you ask for guidance on perhaps speaking to a lost loved one?

Or better yet; will you just simply ask for a good nights rest and for protection from energies that are not on the positive side?

Whatever you ask for; just remember that the Universe hears you and will be right with you when you wake up to a new dawn.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Do our gifts from God point us to religion?

I've been told that it's part of my gifts of mediumship to proclaim and prove the continuity of life.
This is from a Spiritualist POV as the continuity of life is at the very center of the religion; along with the natural laws.
Small problem with that is I'm not a Spiritualist but I have spoken in their churches for a period of almost three years and certainly respect the POV's that they bring to the table.

I've also been told that those particular gifts along with psychic and clairvoyance abilities do not exactly align with most protestant religions and / or Catholicism. (and of course, I'm Catholic)

I've been to see Teresa Caputo and she uses a line that I love..."The Catholic Church doesn't exactly agree with what I do; but they've yet to return the big check that I write them every year."
Love it...mainly because she is Catholic.

So do these gifts align with any particular religion?
No...they do not because God doesn't put any borders or boundaries or conditions on our gifts other than to use them to help people on their path and to better their lives. God doesn't assign religions to our gifts; it's that simple.

Let's face it...virtually every religion talks about and preaches about life after 'death'. It's in every religion's DNA.

It's really not my mission to prove anything to any one religion or any one person other than there is something greater than us that is at work. There is a higher intelligence, (whom I freely call God) that is at work for us, in us and through us. My calling is to show people from all walks of life in every religion that you are not alone and that you have the wisdom of the Universe within you.

And that now is the time to fully live out your mission and purpose in life.
Choose your own path and let the gifts lead you to people and not a particular religion.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Is it ever worth the risk?

Risk...is it ever worth taking?
Doesn't it backfire more than often than not? Who knows...quite honestly...who cares?

There comes a time when you have to listen to the Universe; listen to God...listen to Spirit...listen to Jesus...listen to a higher source and take a chance.
Risk...is it ever worth taking? Let me see if I can answer that question.

I just retired from a long and tremendous career that paid me very well, to pursue what I feel is a calling from above and from within. To help people on their path in life through the metaphysical gifts that I have been given and to put some of my messages and writings into a book is pursuing the risk.

You heard me right...pursuing the risk. You see; others have to help you take a risk because we never take a risk alone. And sometimes we have to go after the risk instead of waiting for it to show up on our doorstep.

We need others to help us...such as on August 21st; when I launch my book
CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP, I need folks to purchase my book. Risk taking is a group effort, but it starts with the decision to take the risk first and then act upon it.

So; was the risk I took, worth it?  We will see on August 21st.
In the meantime; what risk will you be pursuing tomorrow?