Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Path of Narrow-Mindedness Never Widens

Great discoveries are never made on paths that are well-traveled; but believe it or not the paths that are well traveled are the ones that are the narrowest.

That's because those people who travel on that path find it nice; comfortable, non-threatening...soft, warm and most of all inviting.

The widest paths are the ones that are full of weeds; undeveloped, overgrown, full of dirt and rocks and as the great poet Robert Frost indicated, "the Road Not Taken' or as some have called it, 'the Road Less Traveled.' Those paths are just waiting for people to take the leap of faith and explore.

Those are the paths to discovery; awareness, enlightenment, knowledge, imagination and wisdom.
This path is one that few people covet, which explains it's condition.
Narrow-mindedness is destroying cultures, spirituality, development, mindsets, progress...etc.

Narrow mindedness puts a few labels on people, places and things; ideologies, etc. and then puts those labels on a shelf .
They are used only when it's necessary to put people who disagree with the narrow mindset, off their path...then back on the shelf...nothing to see here...nothing to learn...nothing to explore...nothing to discover. Back on the path.

Tomorrow; take the first step on perhaps a path that you never knew existed; and then start to explore. You will never know what you're missing until you try.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Darkness on the Edge of Light

Darkness...what exactly is it?
When it approaches; what do we do? We cannot stop it; darkness will always come no matter what.

When darkness approaches, to many it symbolizes the end of something and something to be feared,  but to those who think otherwise, it means the beginning of something new; something different and something potentially exciting.

To people with metaphysical gifts darkness means the unknown, but the unknown is part of who we are as beings of light, beings of love and beings that explore.

Everyone has metaphysical gifts; these gifts that are on the border and sometimes beyond the borders.  Metaphysical simply means' reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses.'
To some people darkness represents the unknown which in turn can represent metaphysical.
It's unknown because we cannot see it and that is what people sometimes fear most.

But in the darkness there is comfort and solace and humility.

In the readings I've been privileged to give, the reading often goes into places that the person receiving the reading may not want to go; but the Universe knows what the person needs in order to heal and move forward..

Psychic, mediumship, clairvoyance, intuitive...whatever labels we put on these gifts, it must be understood that these gifts are from the most high. They help us understand who we are and what we need to do in order to live our lives from a holy place.

After all...tomorrow it will be different...tomorrow it will be light on the edge of darkness.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Living on the Fault Line

I love classic rock and the Doobie Brothers "Living on the Fault Line' is one of my favorite albums.
Back of course, when there were albums.

The album produced no major hits; but critics argue that this is the most compelling and musically challenging album of the Doobie Brothers career.
Despite the lead singer leaving the band early in the making of the album, others stepped up their game to produce an enlightening jazz fusion; R&B influenced album; especially the title track.

The title track starts out as one thing, then changes courses, then goes in an entirely different direction...lets face's not every day that a classic rock song contains a xylophone solo...but somehow they may everything fit together and work.

Critics argue that this album, often overlooked by die hard Doobie fans, deserves a second look.
The question is; now that we're in 2018; does 2017 deserve a second look in your life?

Could be it wasn't the best of years; no hits, but compelling, challenging and in many ways a critical success?
Does your 2017 deserve a second look? Did 2017 go in a million different directions but somehow you made it work and you're still here?

It's amazing that every year on New Years Eve, it never fails that someone will talk about how horrible the year was...for the 12th year in a row. Why is that?
Have we programmed ourselves year after year to focus on the assumption that the previous year was the worst only to be outdone by the current year?

There are bad years and there are good years. And this past year there have been losses of loved ones and heartaches and financial challenges, etc. But I'm still here and so are you.

Thanks to the Universe for showing us the way to yet another year and time to stop living on the fault line and get moving...somewhere there's a xylophone waiting to be played.