Thursday, May 11, 2017

People that Matter Don't Mind

Let's face it; we all judge. Ourselves, other people, other places, other things, relatives, our significant others, our children, co-workers, etc. The list is endless.

The most amazing thing is that we judge what we don't understand.
If it doesn't fit into what we have defined as our world and explainable, we dismiss it and sometimes even go on the attack.
What we don't understand we fear.
What we fear, we judge.
What we judge, we separate ourselves from it.
And the greatest 'sin' is that we don't take any time to learn what it is that we judge.

Recently, my gifts of psychic mediumship and clairvoyant were rejected by people in my religion and I was informed that I could not serve on a team in a movement that I had been involved in for 30 years...this was after I had been asked to serve on the team and accepted.
I have been actively involved in this movement, serving on the board for seven years, serving on almost 20 teams, mentoring, you name it, I've been involved in it. I loved this movement.
Still...that didn't matter.

Don't get me wrong...I get it...I understand. As one of my best friends told me, it's not the why; it was the how. What he was referring to was the fact that no one called me; emailed me or contacted me in any way to ask me about my gifts. And I know half of the current board very well. I had considered some of them very good friends.

They're good people; well intentioned people and faithful people but they were afraid or just ignorant of the gifts of mediumship; psychic and clairvoyant. They went on what I call, a well intentioned witch hunt. After an awkward face to face meeting in which I agreed for them to dismiss me from the team, for as they put it, "the good of the movement", I drove home and started to do some soul searching as to what had transpired.

It made me more aware to be on guard and not judge what I don't understand. (or even understand for that matter). This experience, wrong as it was, has made me more aware of the risk of stepping out for what you believe in; what your true convictions are and what your belief system happens to be.
I remain more convinced than ever that in the end it is worth it and people benefit  from these gifts.

As Dr. Seuss once said; "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".
I'm trying very hard to be in the latter category of not minding or not judging things I don't understand.
So...which category are you in?