Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Path of Narrow-Mindedness Never Widens

Great discoveries are never made on paths that are well-traveled; but believe it or not the paths that are well traveled are the ones that are the narrowest.

That's because those people who travel on that path find it nice; comfortable, non-threatening...soft, warm and most of all inviting.

The widest paths are the ones that are full of weeds; undeveloped, overgrown, full of dirt and rocks and as the great poet Robert Frost indicated, "the Road Not Taken' or as some have called it, 'the Road Less Traveled.' Those paths are just waiting for people to take the leap of faith and explore.

Those are the paths to discovery; awareness, enlightenment, knowledge, imagination and wisdom.
This path is one that few people covet, which explains it's condition.
Narrow-mindedness is destroying cultures, spirituality, development, mindsets, progress...etc.

Narrow mindedness puts a few labels on people, places and things; ideologies, etc. and then puts those labels on a shelf .
They are used only when it's necessary to put people who disagree with the narrow mindset, off their path...then back on the shelf...nothing to see here...nothing to learn...nothing to explore...nothing to discover. Back on the path.

Tomorrow; take the first step on perhaps a path that you never knew existed; and then start to explore. You will never know what you're missing until you try.